A picture paints a thousand words. What body language can tell us.

Philip Grindell
Written by Philip Grindell
Torso shield - horror movie

Much has been written about the ongoing relationship between musician Kanye West and his wife, Bianca Censori, and her revealing outfits.

In the latest publicised images, Ms Censori is gripping a white pillow in front of herself while wearing what was described as a shiny white thong bodysuit.


From a body language perspective, this is known as aTorso Shield’ and can be interpreted as a sign of discomfort.

Have you ever watched a horror film, picked up a cushion, and held it close?

Torso shield - horror movie


This unconscious behaviour reassures us and, at the same time, shields us from whatever is making us feel uncomfortable, be that a person, a threat, or a scary movie.

The latest images of Ms Censor holding and shielding herself are not new, as she has done this on other occasions, which suggest a pattern of feeling uncomfortable.


As we approach the UK General Election, we will increasingly see politicians or candidates as they become once Parliament is dissolved, either trying to portray a particular image through practised body language.

The image of potential leaders with their jackets removed and trying to look relaxed is popular. They are trying to persuade the voters that they are open and trustworthy, and just like you, they have removed their ‘armour’.


On other occasions, the behaviour can leak their real inner emotions through unconscious behaviours, with the legs revealing far more than they may realise and indicating whether two people agree with each other or not.


The positions in the images above don’t reveal whether these people get along or like each other, but they may suggest what they are feeling at that particular moment.

Body language is very often context-driven, and before making assumptions, we need to understand the baseline and the situation. Even the most polished performer may feel anxious or stressed, revealing this unconsciously. Despite what many may suggest, body language does not reveal whether someone is telling the truth or lying.

Watch out over the next few weeks and consider whether Politicians look, sound and feel congruent. Is there body language consistent with the message? You may find that your intuition is unconsciously reading them, and you feel a certain way…ask yourself, what is it that they are doing that causes me to think this? The more observant you are, the more you will notice.

Let the games begin!

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