My objective is to assist you in addressing any security, risk, or threat concerns that may be troubling you.
If you’re feeling anxious or concerned about being subjected to physical, reputational or psychological harm, additional physical security measures, whilst helping to make you more secure, may not help you feel safer.
If you are experiencing feelings of anxiety or apprehension regarding potential physical, reputational, or psychological harm, it is important to note that while additional physical security measures may enhance your overall safety, they may not necessarily alleviate your feelings of insecurity.
The security sector is frequently viewed as a tough, aggressive field focused solely on preventing negative occurrences.
However, I hold a contrasting viewpoint. I view this profession as one rooted in care and support.
By collaborating with you, we’ll identify your specific worries and subsequently devise a strategy to resolve those issues, ultimately providing you with peace of mind.
As a former New Scotland Yard Detective, I have over thirty years of experience, including a lengthy secondment to British Intelligence. Defuse Global was founded in 2019.
I have a unique skill set developed over a distinguished career. Previous responsibilities included intelligence and acquisitive crime investigations in Central London and the creation of security plans to reduce, control, and mitigate the risk of high-profile events involving government ministers and members of the UK Royal family as a Counter-Terrorism Security Coordinator (CT SecCo),
Following the assassination of Jo Cox MP in 2016, I set up and ran a new team in Parliament with the responsibility of overseeing the national protective security program for MPs’ safety as well as looking into the dangers and threats they faced.
I have an MSc in Security Management and am a Chartered Security Professional.
I provide keynote addresses and seminars at trade shows, conferences, networking gatherings, and dinner events. The presentations can be customised to suit the audience and vary in length to align with your needs. They are designed to both inform and engage attendees.