Five reasons why employing an independent security advisor makes good business sense.

Philip Grindell
Written by Philip Grindell
Defuse Global has international reach

The terms ‘security consultant’ and ‘security advisor’ are well known.

These roles are fulfilled by industry professionals with the expertise to safeguard data, information, and physical and business assets. They may be integral members of a company’s workforce, board, or external contractor.

An experienced security consultant is a highly skilled professional and may be a subject matter expert. While they are regularly employed by larger organizations, an area in which they are underutilized is small businesses, entrepreneurs, and family offices.

A small business, entrepreneur, or family office employs several people yet rarely considers their security needs. If they recognise a security issue, they may request a security company provide them with a quote. This approach has a problem. A security provider will seek to sell you what they supply, not necessarily what you need.

This will be the focus of this article.

Defuse global advisory the missing piece

With a wealth of practical experience, physical security consultants possess a deep understanding of risks, security issues, and effective solutions. Their expertise is crucial for safeguarding organizations and individuals against potential threats.

Physical security consultants offer a broad range of skills, including physical security, regulatory compliance, and crisis management.

They excel at pinpointing vulnerabilities, conducting thorough assessments of your security requirements, and developing effective strategies to enhance your organization’s safety. Their insights and methodologies can significantly benefit your business.

Collaborating with these experts ensures your security measures are robust and aligned with the latest industry standards. These standards protect your employees, assets, and operational processes and ensure the highest level of security possible.

A consultant or adviser is an independent expert employed to provide advice or help solve a problem.

The relationship may vary from being employed to complete specified projects to being ‘on call’ to provide ad hoc advice.

Experience and expertise

Seeking professional consultation is crucial to ensuring your business’s security.

They will present a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring you remain abreast of recent technologies and trends. Their security expertise ensures that your company has up-to-date protection.

A security consultant plays a crucial role in any business by formulating a security strategy tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by the organization. By assessing your circumstances, they can identify potential vulnerabilities and devise customized solutions to mitigate identified risks effectively. This tailored methodology ensures that security measures align with your company’s objectives and risk tolerance, providing peace of mind.

Protecting your business from security breaches is crucial. You risk experiencing significant disruptions and substantial financial losses without a proper strategy. Ensure business continuity with a comprehensive incident response and an emergency preparedness plan.

The benefit of independence.

One of the most critical factors in any investigation is bias. Variants of bias exist, such as unconscious bias, confirmation bias, and verification bias. It is also an understandable human condition that we want to defend our work.

A further benefit of employing an independent advisor is to avoid such bias and ensure that any advice is based on truth rather than prejudice. This means that even when an advisor or consult is being well remunerated, they must retain their independence and present their findings, mindful that they may not be well received or what was expected.

An independent consultant or advisor should also have their client’s best interest at heart.


Defuse Global has international reach

Reduced risks
Business leaders and owners must establish a comprehensive strategy to tackle the inherent risks within their organizations.

While risk assessment and mitigation processes can be complex, collaborating with professional security consultants can greatly assist in recognizing and addressing these threats. A security consultant can also aid in formulating policies and strategies that promote a secure and safe work environment. The effects of these initiatives extend beyond the immediate benefits of implementing a program, potentially resulting in long-term advantages.

International business often presents additional risks. We live in an increasingly unstable geopolitical world with rapidly escalating risks. A security consultant can identify and mitigate such risks, along with associated risks such as falling ill overseas, managing compromised locations, travel plans, and crime.

No security plan would be complete without understanding the threats posed by cyber-enabled crime and compromised data.

Security failings create reputational issues, which can be financially catastrophic.

Financial benefits
Although reducing vulnerability and risk doesn’t necessarily boost your organization’s revenue, it can save you resources and money in the long run. By adhering to professional recommendations when working with a seasoned security consultant, you can identify the right security team that will help protect your business and prevent potential financial losses.

Security breaches, operational interruptions, and theft can be expensive. However, these can be mitigated by identifying weaknesses and implementing effective security measures.

Workplace benefits
Every organization should prioritize the safety of its employees. It is not just a moral obligation but also delivers financial benefits. Investing in a safe working environment protects your most valuable resource, your employees, and can lead to significant long-term cost savings. The Worker Protection Act 2023, which becomes law next week, places a new legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment of staff at work. Failing to do so will be costly, with the option of an additional 25% levy being added to the fine.

Whilst countering a toxic workplace may be a function of human resources, a suitably qualified security adviser will significantly contribute to preventing such behaviour by implementing a behavioural threat process. This will also reduce the likelihood of insider threats developing unnoticed. Such expertise will contribute to reduced liability. Prioritising security is crucial to protecting your bottom line and business success.

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