“The reason I am in politics is because my sister was murdered”

Philip Grindell
Written by Philip Grindell
tribute on grave to Jo Cox - murdered MP

Jo Cox’s sister Kim Leadbeater shares her emotional story in poignant new interview with the Defuse Global podcast.

The sister of murdered MP Jo Cox has discussed the psychological impact of her death – as well as the abuse that politicians endure from the public. The interview reveals how MP safety in the UK is still a very important topic – with Kim opening up about the impact of her sister’s tragic passing.

In an interview on The Defuse Global Podcast with Defuse founder Philip Grindell – who is a leading expert in providing MP security, Kim spoke highly of her sister whilst also reflecting on the rising security issues faced by high-value people in the UK. Kim herself is standing for election.

Kim mentioned that the level of abuse directed at MPs has steadily risen over the years, making their personal safety a significant concern

Commenting in the interview, she mentioned that as an MP, she feels safe within the industry. However – she stresses that she knows many of her colleagues have struggled with threats over social media platforms.

As well as this, Kim mentions that being an MP in the UK comes with a level of expectation surrounding potential security risks.

The full article appears in The Daily Express

tribute on grave to Jo Cox - murdered MP

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